Thursday, July 30, 2009

2009 Rotary Scholarship Recipients

The Nocona Rotary Club would like to congratulate Jessica Watson and Kaden Keck for each being awarded a $1000 scholarship to further their educational and career pursuits. Both students graduated this past May from Nocona High School. Great job, Jessica and Kaden!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Meeting Notes - 7/28/09

Bill Crowe reported that Randy West from Bowie is heading up the dictionary project for all 3rd grade students in Montague County. Nocona Rotary will be responsible for distributing the dictionaries to students at Nocona, Prairie Valley, St. Jo, and possibly Montague, Forestburg, and Stoneburg.

A motion was made by Paul Ice to seek three host families for a male Taiwanese exchange student for this coming school year. Second by Marni Livezey. Motion passed.

Prospective members were suggested.

Application for membership received from Don Young, Wells Fargo Bank. Board will take action at next Board Meeting.

Bertrand Pelletier, member of Arlington Sunset Rotary, attended with his nephew, Henri, from Paris, France and Robby Storey of Nocona Athletic Goods. Bertrand shared the struggles of revitalizing a declining club, encouraging us that it can be done.

Bill Crowe reported that he has contacted the City of Nocona and that they will contact our club if opportunities arise to help with yard and home cleanups.

Meeting Notes - 7/21/09

Bill Crowe and Judy Yohe gave updates on our German foreign exchange student, Nane Homann. Nane arrived home safely after some inconvenient flight delays.

Tom Horn mentioned that the city council had begun issuing notices for unkempt properties in town. Bill Crowe suggested that the Nocona Rotary Club make itself available to help in instances where the homeowner is unable to complete the necessary repairs or cleanup. Bill will contact Cindy McCracken at the city office.